Today marks the end of another chapter of our Journey together, one that was only made possible by your love, encouragement, and support.
Without your gentle words of kindness, our journey would not have stayed its course.
Without your gentle hugs of belief, our journey would not have come to fruition.
A Sonnet to Dear Geenie Mountaineer,
Tho’ adversity beswept us,
Never once did we let it consume us,
For, together we sail,
Forward, no matter the gale,
Until sunlit shores,
Warm our pores,
Once again.
Rubbie Mountaineer
This was my first photo of Dubbo when I landed on my first visit, 925am on February 8 2021. I had mixed feelings, uncertain and unsure of what to expect. As always, I wished you were here with me every minute. I was quite fearful, like the lost little boy whom you always guided and protected with your love and kindness.This was the motel which I stayed at during my 11 weeks, my favourite rooms were 23 and 26, as they were the largest and most quiet corner room respectively. “Comfort is never far away”This was my first breakfast on February 9 2021 at 7am in Room 23, the eggs were “poached” quite nicely surprisingly, and the tomatoes were quite tasty, I believe Chef must have grilled the tomatoes in Worcestshire sauce. Coriander – your mortal enemy – reminded me of you! I went to the local Coles and found massive blueberries! These reminded me of when I found massive “bloobs” in Canberra and was walking home to my apartment and accidentally dropped one punnet, and I was very sad that all my beautiful “bloobs” were lost. You heard my sadness over the phone, and said, “Don’t worry Rubbie, I will get you new ones.” I miss my Angel.This is where the animals are sheared.Jokes! It was the motor inn next door to the Aberdeen. I thought you would like the pretty colours and the poignant sunset mural. Kinda reminds me of Colorado in summer if we visited and stayed at a Cowboy Ranch – Dunton Ranch in particular. But instead of sheep they have American Cows? I dunno! You get my drift! My second breakfast on February 16 2021 at 7am – I had found a local gym at the RSL Dubbo and hence was trying to bulk up. Note the 23, I had requested to stay in Room 23 again. This was the last time I was given the large Room 23, afterwards I was relegated to the quiet but small corner Room 26. I guess this was a blessing in disguise as it was better insulated from the cold in its corner location.My last breakfast in Dubbo on May 18 2021 at 7am. Dubbo has been so tiring. I think I was exhausted mentally and physically towards the end. The travel, long hours, busy practice, and the lumpy beds have all compounded my fatigue. I had requested no coriander, I guess you have rubbed off onto Rubbie!
You have and will always be on my mind. I remember every sweet moment, the gentle kind boy who bought me frothed milk as we would walk up the 2 flights of brown stairs.
You have and will always be on my mind. I remember every sweet moment, the gentle kind boy who bought me frothed milk as we would walk up the 2 flights of brown stairs.
The journey to adulthood is hard.